The congealed meat juices in his thick beard are better not considered. His voice is louder than his blunderbuss. "YOU DON'T HAVE A TAIL, DO YOU? WOULDN'T PUT IT PAST THE THIEVING LITTLE BUGGERS TO GO SHAVING ONE OF THEIR OWN! WOULDN'T KNOW FAIR PLAY IF IT KICKED 'EM UP RIGHT UP THE ARSE!" "NEW ARRIVAL, ARE WE? WELL, IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT A TAIL, YOU'RE ALL RIGHT BY ME!" "SORRY ABOUT THAT!" booms the Boisterous Pirate, lowering a smoking blunderbuss as bits of shattered tree rain down. Greasy smoke and guiltily tempting aromas rise from a collection of huts around a long beached pirate ship, and a field of pointedly impaled monkeys. "Don't try the meatballs," he warns, getting back to his search. He is too busy to talk right now, but adds that he will be in the village later if you want to trade adventuring supplies. But I can't find an X anywhere." He looks at the map sadly. "Have you seen a big X on the ground by any chance? I got these four map pieces that got me this far and said X would mark the spot. "North for each City the bats have brought down." He squints at a map, muttering incoherently. "The survivors of a pirate expedition have stolen this land, where apes are unwelcome except as an entree." Actions Hearthsake Island is triggered by doing the A Scouting Trip: Hearthsake Island action while Zailing the Empire of Hands. He also has An Ancient-Ish Treasure Map, which he'll part with for a a Searing Enigma, as long as you've explored The Vault of the First Emperor on Fountainhead Island sufficiently.Īfter you gain An Audience with the Emperor on Sovereign Island, he may encourage you to harvest the pirates for souls for the The Zeppelin Under Construction. In addition, The Lost Treasure Hunter dwells here, and can offer you a number of supplies (but no actual Supplies) if the price is right. It contains a cannibalistic gang of pirates, who will welcome you as a guest if you are Unaccountably Peckish. Hearthsake Island is one of the Islands you can explore in the Empire of Hands.